How to change darkrp gamemode name
How to change darkrp gamemode name

You then want to click select found the far right of the command line you've just made to make the server use it. If you do not have the addon that the gamemode needs, the server will default. For example if you wanted a prophunt server, change it to gamemode 'prophunt'. Edit the autoexec.cfg, where it says 'gamemode sandbox' replace 'sandbox' with the gamemode name in quotations.

how to change darkrp gamemode name

**It may also be useful to tick the 2 boxes on the condebug line to enable the web console which you may later need to use to make yourself admin** Click on File Manager, head to the 'garrysmod' folder and then into 'cfg'. Remember to tick the boxes to the left of each of the options for +map and +gamemode else your server will not load. Unique name is used to make sure that if your code is loaded twice, it's still only hooked once, For callback specify. For hookname, use the name you want from the list below. Now you need to go to the command line manager, click new then set your gamemode to darkrp from the dropdown, and set the map in the text box to the right of the +map option, this will be the map your server runs on when it starts up. The format for adding a gamemode hook is hook.Add ( String hookname, String uniquename, Function callback ). Once the upload is complete proceed to the next step. bsp map file on your computer that you wish to run on the server and then click upload. Once in the maps folder click the upload button at the top of the file manager, locate the.

how to change darkrp gamemode name

You can do this by going to the file manager and navigating to /garrysmod/maps

how to change darkrp gamemode name

#How to change darkrp gamemode name install

You will also need to install CSS content from mods as it is required for DarkRP to function properly.Īfter installing the base mod files and the required content to make it run, you will need to upload the map you want to run on your server. Start by installing DarkRP from mods in the control panel

How to change darkrp gamemode name